If you are having an event, such as a meeting or reception, you might consider booking space at St. Joseph Catholic Church. We accommodate small, medium or large crowds (under 185) at our facilities. Before you may book one or more of our meeting spaces, you must complete an Event Form that can then be forwarded to the Parish Office. Please note: The pastor much approve all event requests before it can be scheduled on our calendar.

St. Joseph Events
To request the use of our facilities, you have several options:
- Visit the Parish Office that is located in the building next to the church and complete a parish Event Sheet or call the Parish Office to have us complete the form for you.
- Complete and submit the registration form below.
- Print the parish Event Sheet PDF and mail to the Parish Office, 745 Ezzard Charles Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45203 or put the form in the collection basket at Mass Click here for form
Please contact the Parish Office at (513) 378-9013 if you have any questions or need additional information.
Also, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the parish might require that you acquire an insurance policy for liability purposes. Once your event is approved, our Business Manager will direct you need to purchase this type of special events coverage with Archdiocesan selected carrier and possibly complete a Facility Use Agreement. Should this be the case, you will be directed to a website to complete the required information: Click here for website